Cheat Warcraft Dota

   Nih ada sedikit Cheat Frozen Throne Bagi para Gamer pasti tau Warcraft Dota kan.. yang lagi belajar maenya nih ada info dikit cara cheat Dota  .bagi para pemula yang belum bisa dan belum mahir maenya kalian dapat mengaktifkan cheatnya     Nih ada sedikit Cheat Frozen Throne 
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays a special song
                  WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne
WarpTen                            - Speeds construction of buildings and units
IocainePowder                  - Fast Death/Decay
WhosYourDaddy               - God mode
KeyserSoze [amount]      - Gives you X Gold
LeafitToMe [amount]       - Gives you X Lumber
GreedIsGood [amount]      - Gives you X Gold and Lumber
PointBreak                             - Removes food limit
ThereIsNoSpoon                  - Unlimited Mana
TheDudeAbides                      - Fast spell cooldown
StrengthAndHonor               - No defeat
ItVexesMe                                - No victory
Motherland [race] [level]   - level jump
SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb     - Instant defeat
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs  - Instant victory
WhoIsJohnGalt               - Enable research
SharpAndShiny               - Research upgrades
IseeDeadPeople            - Remove fog of war
Synergy                         - Disable tech tree requirements
RiseAndShine              - Set time of day to dawn
LightsOut                         - Set time of day to dusk
DayLightSavings [time]    - If a time is specified, time of day is
                                     set to that, otherwise time of day is
                                       alternately halted/resumed

 nih  ada beberapa tips 
biar musicnya beda conthonya 
- music orc
-music human
-music special
dan masih banyak lagi 

tips buat ganti warna sungainya
 -water red 
 -water blue 
 -water green 
 tips buat ganti musim contohnya
 - weather rain 
-weather wind
-weather storm

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